Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Oy Vey

So sorry, blog. I've been neglecting you, even though I'm on teh internets every day.

Quicky recap of life in Betsyland:

1. Bought a spinning wheel (Louet S10, off craigslist) on a whim back in March, and have been spinning pretty much every day since. I love spinning. So. Very. Much. It's everything I love about knitting, the feel of fibers slipping through my fingers, the colors patterning as I watch, plus it's making yarn. How cool is that?

Here she is with Nanna:

2. Went to Black Sheep Gathering last month, combining it with a week-and-a-half Oregon trip extravaganza. Couple days with Mom in Sweet Home, and 3 glorious days in Portland at Kennedy School. (I can't recommend a stay there enough) Oh, and I came home with another wheel - an Ashford Joy which I can travel with.

We took an Amtrak sleeper car, which I also can't recommend enough. It's a big spendy, but meals are included, and you don't have to drive, plus there's a booze car. It's so great!

3. It's 108F outside right now and California is on fire, so you can pretty much chew on the air you're breathing. Nice. Ken describes the light quality as "zombie apocolyse lighting". Heh.

Of course, there's been a lot more - I'm constantly taking little trips and doing odd things, but yeah, I'd have had to update here more often if I wanted to get it all down. Oh, knitting! Yeah, I spun up enough koolaid dyed wool for Stefanie Japel's Two Toned Ribbed Shrug and it's in progress. I'll probably start on the sleeves tonight at knitting. Yeah, knitting a sweater in 108F; that's a fine plan!


meg(aphone) said...

Love Ken's description of the air. It especially looks like that during the sunsets!! Want to go swimming soon? Or just hang out sitting upon blocks of ice?

SWSG said...

Holy crap, swimming sounds great. If I could breathe while outside, that is! :) Regardless of what we do, we must hang out really soon!