Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas trip and more!

Our trip to Point Reyes was most excellent. Lots of fresh air, kite flying, and snuggling by the fire. We chased naughty sea gulls who tried, mostly unsuccessfully, to fly off with our picnic (he flew off with the bread bag, but the bread dumped out of it). We made the hike to the lighthouse, including the "30 story climb" to get back. (Note to self: working out more in 2008 is a good idea).

Then the cold set in. Not the outside air, although that was chilly too, but the cold Ken had the previous week. Fortunately it waited until the last night at the Inn, but what a miserable night. I couldn't remember when I last had such a wretched sore throat. I thought it might be strep, but, hey, Ken got over it just fine.

We came home, I ran a fever. I never run a fever. I sweated my way through most of my night clothes Christmas Eve night. Christmas was misery. I worked part days from home when I felt like I could concentrate. Then Thursday comes along. Ken's got a sore throat again and has finally looked at strep pictures. Realizes, "Uh Oh!" and goes in for a throat swab.

Sure enough! Strep! Yay!

I finally got anti-biotics on Friday and am feeling mostly myself now, although I was advised that I'm still contagious so it's another work-at-home day. It's also New Year's Eve, and I have several friends in from out of town that I won't get to see tonight. So bummed!

One nice result of my convalescence - I started and finished Mr. Greenjeans :) He's blocking on the extra bed right now!

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