Friday, November 16, 2007

Thanksgiving travel

Well, Ken and I are heading for Oregon after work today. Presents are wrapped, the booze is secure and the car is packed. Whoooo! In our Oregon-travel tradition, we'll roll into Ashland around dinnertime, find a hotel and spend the evening in one of the pubs. Morning brings the next leg of the trip: Portland!

The DeZell's have a new house which we're anxious to see, but of course, we're really excited to play with Zira, and enjoy some convivial drinking with Sarah and Layton. What they don't know yet, is that we are bringing the growler of Dead Guy Ale which Eric picked up during his last beach trip with Mom. It feels like a good warrior's tribute to share his favorite beer with family. Damn, Eric had good taste in beer!

The cobblestone has been blocked and looks great on Ken - he loves that the sleeves are actually long enough for his arms! There was a sinking-feeling moment while it was drying and looking way too huge, but everything turned out perfectly! I'm definitely making one for Layton when I find the right yarn.

Thanks for watching the cat-kids, Claire!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ken's socks are finished!

And I have photographic proof. Thanks to my lovely new digital scale, they are a perfect length, with only a foot or so of yarn left over! I'm so happy! (Ken loves them, too)

Butterfly on Geranium

Originally uploaded by beetsy1
Two springs ago, there was a massive migration of Painted Lady butterflies. It was magnificent. Everywhere you went, these little beauties swooped and fluttered on their path to, well, wherever they migrated to. My garden was especially pretty, too, and is where this was shot. I then sent it through the Gimp to do some colorshifting.

Sadly, the lack of rain last winter resulted in almost no butterflies in my yard this year. I did spot a splendid one in the parking lot at work this past week; an lovely orange splotch weaving in amongst the falling leaves.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cobblestone: on the final lap

Claire came over last night for dinner and knitting (and wine, but that's pretty much a given). I managed to finish up the knitting portion of Ken's sweater! Yay! I'm still in the "meh" portion of the completed project, maybe I'll be more pleased after the ends are woven in, and the armholes sewn. Heh, and the couple dropped stitches I discovered after Ken tried it on. I wondered where my count had erred!

Ken loves it, and can't wait for Oregon coolness to wear it. :)

Also I got Mom's french market bag lined. Cute!

Monday, November 12, 2007

On Ken's socks and Headshops

Well, good news! Looks like the 2 50g balls of Dusky Rose were not precicely equal. After I picked up yet another yarn to try blending (decided the alpaca wasn't going to be the best choice), I took a good hard look and realized that sock #2 was already longer than its brother, and I still had quite a bit of yarn left to go through. I decided that what I really needed to complete the socks was not more yarn, but a nice digital scale :)

I'd heard the best scales were the ones used for more, um, nefarious purposes, so Ken and I took a trip down to our favorite local headshop - Twisted. Should have seen the look on the saleslady's face when I broke out the socks to test-weight! Ken asked her if she got other yarnistas in looking at scales; she deadpanned "Sure, every other day!". LOL.

So I came home with a 120g digital scale. For yarn. Really!

Cobblestone pullover

Sadly, I have no pictures to share yet, but Ken's new sweater is quickly reaching completion. It's the cobblestone pullover from the fall issue of Interweave Knits. Many folks around these here Tubes have been knitting this sweater; it's a classy and simple men's sweater that is masculine in design and not froofy in any way. Ken said, "Hey, I like that one. I'd wear it if you made it for me", so like many partners of picky sweater-wearing men who despaired of ever finding a design our loved-ones would actually put on, I immediately ordered yarn for Cobblestone.

My version was cast-on during a late September rainy weekend spent drinking and knitting in Tahoe with Claire. We're taking off for Portland this coming Friday, so I have loads of motivation to actually get it finished. Of course I have a stack of Christmas presents in the finishing stage I'd like to wrap and deliver personally to the Oregon family, so the next few evenings are going to be busy!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

"Early Spring" Socks

Here's another pair of socks made with YarnForest's gorgeous DK weight yarn.

I actually gasped when I opened up my package because the colors are so fantastic. This photo really shows off their vibrancy.

Will they be for me, or a Christmas gift? I haven't decided yet!

Socks for Ken

Here are the socks currently under construction for Ken.

I'm loving the yarn, it's from YarnForest, and is totally fabulous! It's a DK weight yarn, and I'm using my #2 rosewood needles for a dense and cushy fabric. One TINY problem: a 50 gram ball (I have 2) is just not enough to make bootsocks for Ken's honkin' feet. The orange alpaca in the photo was the first idea I had for extending the cuff, but I think I'll keep looking for something a little more washable.

Ken says "I can wear them as house socks!"

I say "no way you aren't showing off these suckers in public!" Heh.

Felted bowl trio

Felted Bowl Trio

For: Grandma's Christmas present

Pattern: inspired by the felted bowl in One Skein, but as I didn't have the book when I started the project (still don't!), I just made it up as I went along. Pretty much an inverted felted hat of varying lengths.

Yarn: Araucania Nature Wool

Notes: Additionally, I've added some recycled copper wire (got it from the computer room when it was cleaned) and turquoise beads from my bead stash.

A new space

Ken wants to get rid of our hosting fees, so I'm moving the show, as slim as it's been the past year, to blogger. Now that I have a ravelry account, and have been somewhat good about putting my projects up there, I hope to actually blog at least somewhat regularly. Hopefully :)